study buddies

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(Spanish translation here)


Does your child need help with Homework & Reading?

Free tutoring for 1st through 5th Grade students during school year
Tuesday & Thursday 3-5PM
1000 E. Janss Road @ United Methodist Church
Study Buddies is a free tutoring program for elementary students designed to help them with their reading and homework, held at the United Methodist  Church of Thousand Oaks. Many of our students tutored come from Glenwood Elementary School, but any student in need is welcome.  
This program has been running for over 15 years and we are happy to report has helped well over 100 students.  Our tutors are a mix of adult and youth volunteers from community organizations and local  high schools.  Many of our youth are former Study Buddy students.
We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 - 5PM during the school year.  The students are read to, provided a snack, recess time and a full hour of one-on-one tutoring.  Our tutors work closely with the students  to improve their homework completion  and improve their reading skills.
If you would like more information , please complete the form below and we will be in contact.   All information provided will be kept within the Study Buddy program.


To register your student, please complete the form below:

(note - an asterisk * signifies a mandatory field to be completed)
Study Buddies communications will be sent by text to the Parents or Guardians designated below or the Emergency Contact noted above.. In the event of a medical emergency, we will reach out to these phone numbers.
Study Buddies communications will be sent by text to the Parents or Guardians designated below or the Emergency Contact noted above.. In the event of a medical emergency, we will reach out to these phone numbers.


OPTIONAL - Additional Authorized Adults