What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me -
practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Phillipians 4:9

Learning is growing. Absorbing new information, evaluating a different perspective and assessing what you believe. Here are a number of small group options and learning resources available for you. Come join us!All groups welcome new participants.
Book & Bible Study
- Meeting Thursday evenings at 6:00pm-7:30pm via Zoom for study and discussion.
- We just completed Session 1 of 6 from the book Context by Josh Scott. Summary of the book from Amazon: Context looks at verses we know by heart but may not know the people, places, and times that give them meaning. Josh Scott delves into these well-known Scripture verses, exploring their true meanings by examining them in their original biblical context. Through this process, he unveils fresh and enlightening interpretations that are often missed when these Scriptures are taken out of context.
- Open for new members
Women of Faith
- Meetings are Wednesday mornings form 10:00- 11:30am in the Wesley Room on the UMCTO campus. We rotate studies of Bible and Christian books. We also have periodic fellowship breakfasts and participate in service projects!
- From October 16th - Dec 4th we will be studying “Elijah, Faith and Fire” by Priscilla Shire
- We welcome new members any time!
Book Discussion Group
- All are welcome to join our Book Discussion Group. We read a book a month ane meet to discuss. Meetings rotate among member homes.
- Open for new members
Tuesday Prayer Group
- Join us Tuesday from 11:00 am to Noon for a focused time of prayer. Meet in Pastor's office at UMCTO.
- We pray for named people, the community and the world.
- Open for new members
United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith offers members opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, transformative education and abilities to advocate for various causes. Luncheons, meetings and fundraisers are held throughout the year with speakers to discuss various topics and help make informed decisions. Monies raised from membership and fundraisers support local and national causes such as James Storehouse, Harbor House, Westminster Free Clinic and more.
Click below for more information
United Women in Faith offers members opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, transformative education and abilities to advocate for various causes. Luncheons, meetings and fundraisers are held throughout the year with speakers to discuss various topics and help make informed decisions. Monies raised from membership and fundraisers support local and national causes such as James Storehouse, Harbor House, Westminster Free Clinic and more.
Click below for more information
UMCTO Men's Group
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We are an active group of Christian men meeting on a regular basis, helping with activities of the church and providing outreach to our community. We welcome new members at any time.
November 2nd is the next session with Dr. Dan Salyers from CLU talking about "Four Gospels and One Jesus",
Come to Dickerson Hall for breakfast and a Speaker 8:30-10:00am. All are welcome!
Click below for more information