Where is the Methodist church headed?
WEEKLY METHODIST PODCAST - https://wheredowegoumc.com
How about a great weekly podcast featuring conversations between Rev. Molly Vetter and denominational leaders about the challenges ahead as we live toward a United Methodist Church that is fully inclusive?

Small Groups strengthen our relationship with God, our understanding of how Jesus is present in our lives, and they deepen our faith. We have groups meeting regularly online and in-person. Check out the opportunities below and join in. All groups are open for new people.
Messy Church

Families, single adults, kids, grandparents and babies all love our monthly Messy Church. Its an opportunity for a casual gathering with food, crafts, a devotion and more. You won't have to cook, can focus for a bit and will be headed home by 7:30 PM on the 3rd Saturday of the month.

other ways to learn
RESOURCES - Podcasts, Webinars & More
Your cellphone, tablet or computer can provide free access to a plethora of learning opportunities. In this area we will periodically post links to recommended videos, podcasts or webinars. Another way for you to learn and grow. Click on an item below and explore the learning opportunity.
One of the ways we can accelerate growth is to learn and then apply that learning in service of others.
Our church provides a number of opportunities for you to serve and is connected to a number of non-profit organizations doing tremendous work for the community.